LIREX’s most valuable asset is the people who work at the company.

We value experts with proven knowledge and experience. We also value those who are brave in their dreams, even if they are still early in their career growth.

We support people who are motivated to develop professionally, who are willing to make an individual contribution to a common goal and who take an active part in their field.

We invest in our people!

See which positions are currently available at LIREX

Open positions in Sofia

Търсим Оперативен счетоводител, който да се присъедини към екипа ни в град София. Отговорности: Изготвя и обработва първични и вторични ...
Търсим Специалист складова дейност който да се присъедини към екипа ни в гр. София Отговорности: Участие в организирането и администрирането ...
Търсим Акаунт мениджър – Корпоративни клиенти, който да се присъедини към екипа ни в гр. София. Основни отговорности: Поддържа и ...

Open positions in Plovdiv

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Open positions in Varna

Tърсим Младши Системен администратор за поддръжка на системите на наши клиенти в град Варна. Основни отговорности: Отдалечено администриране на Windows ...

Open positions in Gabrovo

We are looking for a System Administrator to join our team in Gabrovo. Responsibilities: Monitoring and first-line support of Microsoft-based ...

You can’t find a suitable position?

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Our company welcomes and examines in detail each application received.

As a company, we are committed, at all stages of our selection process, to treat candidates fairly, assessing only their personal and professional competencies. We do not discriminate based on race, national, ethnic or social origin, sex, age, physical and family status, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, membership in public and non-governmental organizations or any other illegal criterion under applicable law.

The selection in the company includes selection by CV (for all candidates), interview (for candidates selected by CV) and feedback (to all candidates). For certain advertisements/positions, the performance of a set of professional tasks and/or questionnaires may be included (before, during or after an interview).

The provision of personal data by applicants is voluntary. Their processing and storage are carried out only in connection with the selection and in full compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 within the statutory 6-month period. With the consent of the candidate, a subsequent period of storage and processing of his personal data may be agreed, only in connection with other selections in the company. At any time, any candidate may have access to their personal data and withdraw their consent in connection with the above.

We take care to manage the storage and processing of personal data in order to maintain their integrity, availability and confidentiality.